17 Days from open

Recently I have been finding it hard to focus. This has actually been a weakness of mine as far back as college. I am pretty good at organizing myself with the when and where I need to do something, But as far as the finding the ability to orient my focus to this specific task for a set period of time, this is hard for me. Presently , I have a lot on my plate; We closing in on finalizing the location of our first restaurant franchisee, Beignet Spot Express is set to open in 17 days on july 6th, my sons first birthday is the week after opening and my anniversary is on the 24th of July . With all of these massive task/events ahead of me, it is hard set my mind to on specific item because as soon as I start my mind is on to how /if I can complete the next task on the list. In trying to self assess the cause of my inability to focus, I have realized in this new season of leading and building , it is very important for me to teach, delegate, communicate and hold accountable . I need to put all of my efforts on the 20% of the business that I bring the most value . Two main things , I think this will do for me immediately is remove a lot of clutter from my mind. less to think about brings clarity. The second thing it will do for me is create some positive momentum. Psychologically , I think my current routine has become stagnant. Focusing on work that creates more ROI for the company and is more centered on my natural strengths will create for me personally and the business a positive feedback loop. This virtuous cycle of productivity , results , satisfaction will incentivize me to do more.

1 restaurant ALMOST open , 99 more to go.

Tomorrow is not promised to live today like its your last





Everything is every thing (opening day location 1/100. X days away)