Week 12 (The perfect fit)
What I am about to say is not necessarily relevatory news to me . In my time alone , my ruminations have revealed to me this truth : I do not like managing restaurants. The state of business and my position in the company over the last 10 years has necessitated this service from me . If you combine this reality with my ongoing insecurities based on my “ lack of formal management training”, management of a store is net negative action for me. Here is why: What I have realized about myself is that I understand the need for great leadership at the store level and have formulated in my mind what that looks like. However, that act of defining what leadership looks like and how I want that to show in my concepts is what engages me . I want to seek, engage , hire and cast vision for great leaders. in What I have realized is that my energy comes from engaging at this level with my vision . This has been something that i have known for a while but really grasping this reality is something that is hard for me. Experience has taught me that it is absolutely necesssarily to do everything all the time. This the type of leadership that has been modeled and foisted upon me. This actually is fine……….if you want to be in ONE store forever. There is nothing wrong with owning and operating one store , however , this is not my vision for myself and this is not the life i see for myself. I want to scale.
So this is what I got from self reflection:
You are not a store manager ( and this is okay) .
In this nacent stage of the business, you cannot remove your self from the store because management is necessary and you the person for the hour
Focus 70% growing the business and people ( training shifts , coaching, marketing systems )
spend 30% on the business directly
in that 70% , quickly train the team members that are showing leadership qualities and delegate
lastly , when the time comes , hire someone better than you in the areas that are necessary to core metrics and indoctrinate them on your why ( vision)
There is nothing wrong with hiring someone better than you in a specific task . This is something you have to do . ego will create fear and insecurity but a low - quality candidate will kill a business.
So my focus over the next month is focus my energy on really teaching and exercise my mind on a leadership and scale level. This is where I want to be.
Week 9
I am going to start tracking the journey of Melange Hospitality Group and the Beignet Spot brand by marking it from the opening of Beignet spot Express, which opened September 28th 2024. It has been an absolutely crazy year. For some periods of time , I was negative money . When I say negative , I am not referring to having minimal asssets lots of debt . There were periods of time towards the later part of the year , when my personal accounts were negative . I was borrowing money from friends and family to buy groceries, pay rent and just get by. This was my current status as a married man and father. We are now at almost 2 months in operation and thing have been good. There has been a great reception to the brand but more importantly a great acceptance to my ideology of how to treat people. I have been burdenend by questions about the hospitality industry: Can a restaurant provide a great service and experience for both the guest but more importantly the team member? What does great work look like not from a task-orientated qualitative perspective but rather from a work perspective? What does profitable mean? What is the imperative of a work life balance at all levels of the restaurant group? These rumblings in my head have been driving me . The year is closing and without me being fully aware, the questions that have occupied my mind have changed seemingly overnight :I went from “how to I pay my apartment rent” to how to I scale this business? Those questions have drastically diffent concequences and timelines. One is a personal immediate problem to be solved. Its mere existence diminishes by ability on anything else with any real productivity. The later question is very outward focused and macro. The questions that mirror the later have been more and more prevalent and I find them quiet exciting. As the year closes , I have a lot to be gratful for. My next five years of my life and this nacent stage will be very exciting and transformational . I am looking forward to tomorrow.
Location 1/100 Beignet Spot Express
For my first location this turned out pretty good. We open up September 28th . I’m beyond excited .
During the international expansion period of the Starbucks , Howard Schultz , Founder CEO , was resolute that in they had to go to Japan. The board was leery and before acquiescing to his desire, they made him run this idea by a consultant . After extensive study and research of the Japanese market , the consultation was a resounding no. Japan was not going to be a good fit for Starbucks and opening there would be a flop. Howard forced the entry into the market and the entrance of Starbucks into the market was a resounding success. I love this story because book smarts , and all insight from professionals , will not always align with what your gut tells you to be true. I am weeks from opening my first restaurant and in opening the doors, I will have defied multiple nos and council against what i am doing. There are some decisions in life that you are going to have to jump and do what you feel is right even if it defies what the “Experts” say . The reason for such defiance is because facts and micro data do not account for an inner knowing . They are extremely pragmatic and analytical and these adjective are not what build empires. Estee lauder , the founder of the eponymous cosmetics company stated that “ Risk taking is the cornerstone of empires. Bringing a dream to reality is in some ways like an empire . Its limitations are really only that of the dreamer. Lastly , making the call to trust yourself despite the odds when you feel it is the right thing to do fulfills something that no data can ever do; It answers the question, what am I capable of. As I open restaurant location 1 of 100 , this question is what pushes me forward.
I have struggled lately with productivity . This has been a long standing problem for me; Hence the inability to post consistently . As of late , I believe that at my age of 37, I should have created so much more than I have which has caused me to doubt the fruit of my actions . This negative self-think makes it harder to begin and see through projects. Through introspection, i’ve realized that I have a negative relationship to process. Process is a gradual , progressive , repetitive incremental journey towards betterment . Success is a byproduct of an obsession with process. it’s unavoidable . There is no way to achieve success without commitment to the daily gradual acceptance of the marginal . Every passion pursued involves a formula that requires a disciplined singular focus on minutiae .
My first restaurant is coming along slowly and although my mind is focused on shaking hands, marketing , coaching and expansion , my day-to-day is filled with phone calls , creating operational outlines and other mundane task. As I build this concept , I am working on identifying what 20% of the process am I best equipped to handle and that delivers the most ROI to the projects. My thoughts behind this besides wanting to be more efficient , my passion will increase as I reorient my time to those things that would be more fruitful .
17 Days from open
Recently I have been finding it hard to focus. This has actually been a weakness of mine as far back as college. I am pretty good at organizing myself with the when and where I need to do something, But as far as the finding the ability to orient my focus to this specific task for a set period of time, this is hard for me. Presently , I have a lot on my plate; We closing in on finalizing the location of our first restaurant franchisee, Beignet Spot Express is set to open in 17 days on july 6th, my sons first birthday is the week after opening and my anniversary is on the 24th of July . With all of these massive task/events ahead of me, it is hard set my mind to on specific item because as soon as I start my mind is on to how /if I can complete the next task on the list. In trying to self assess the cause of my inability to focus, I have realized in this new season of leading and building , it is very important for me to teach, delegate, communicate and hold accountable . I need to put all of my efforts on the 20% of the business that I bring the most value . Two main things , I think this will do for me immediately is remove a lot of clutter from my mind. less to think about brings clarity. The second thing it will do for me is create some positive momentum. Psychologically , I think my current routine has become stagnant. Focusing on work that creates more ROI for the company and is more centered on my natural strengths will create for me personally and the business a positive feedback loop. This virtuous cycle of productivity , results , satisfaction will incentivize me to do more.
1 restaurant ALMOST open , 99 more to go.
Tomorrow is not promised to live today like its your last
Everything is every thing (opening day location 1/100. X days away)
I am learning to grasp the reality of the inevitability of completion. Everything works out in the end. Maybe not the way that we planned but they do nevertheless. leaning on this truth has helped salve some of my anxiety throughout this construction process. I have have had to lean so much on muscles and business tools that have not been habits for me in my recent iteration of restaurant operations. There have been so many zoom calls. This is not the norm for me and being that 90% of them involve me listening and facilitating; This is a new muscle. A lot more of my work in opening this restaurant has been more planning , waiting and explaining to multiple parties our timeline, roles and my personal needs from them. The way my funding is set up through sba , all of my working capital is tied up until the construction part of the process is complete and I have occupancy from the city . This have created another bottleneck for smaller things to get done as the dollars to complete are on hold until project completion. What my main focus is on right now attacking with all diligence those things which I can have an effect on and putting to the side those things which I don’t. Approaching this project this way feels like a strategy towards completion where focusing on what i cant do feels like waiting . This I have little patience for if in waiting I feel helpless and things aren’t getting done.
Why am I here
This past week, I spent time with my wife’s family. Which I hate even saying “wife’s family”, but I have yet to identify how to differentiate between grandparents and mother-in-laws without resorting to the traditional nomenclature. I believe once you are married , the line between families is gone. This a random thought that needed to get out so now I’ll continue with my story . We were in Connecticut for the past few days with family and it was so nice to introduce the family to mr. Myles . Since he was born , he has spent a lot of time with my family here in California which is a natural result of proximity. My Uncle in New York, Myles Grandmother and great grandmother his uncles and aunts and great grandfather were all there and had never met the little guy and it was absolutely beautiful to share those moments . These are laughs tears and conversations that you can never get back. Once the moment is gone ,its gone.
In one way or another , I have expressed to some extent my desire for business or how I envision enterprise. Three people that I admire from afar is Joe Columbe, the Founder of Trader Joes , Yvon Chouinard the Founder of Patagonia and Brunello Cucinelli the founder of his eponymous clothing brand . These founders embody in their work , care for life , humanistic capitalism , environmental consciousness, people focus. Being with my family really framed for me my trajectory towards building my restaurant group. I want the focus in my life to be holistic wellness: family , physical health, investment in intellectual growth and improvement , growth in my consciousness of humanity and seeing this beautiful world live in . Restaurants are a pathway to exploring these facets of our life. My foundation for my personal life is to live life to the fullest in these capacities and to create a business around the personal pursuit of these endeavors and have an enterprise that embodies these parts of life. I want to die a man with no regrets and with a enterprise the minimizes those regrets in others. This trip has really changed my perspective in how I will move forward in this journey . I believe that work can be beautiful expression of pursuit and purpose.
I heard Will Smith in an interview define the word discipline in a very insightful way . He stated that “ Self- Discipline is the definition of self love.” He went on to say that “ when you say you love yourself , you exhibit behavior and habit toward yourself “. “You cannot win the war against the world (outside adversity) until you win the war against your own mind. Another definition that I have heard and subscribe “The ability to choose what you want most over what you want now”; the ability to dictate time allocation towards long term well being of over short-term pleasure .
This is my current greatest battle . In this season of my life, the pressure and adversity pushes me to find immediate escape or short-term perceived peace /satisfaction. I say perceived piece because in the microcosm of that moment , choosing the activity that feels easy and has least resistance is only perceived to be what you want “most” when seen through myopic lenses. Its so easy to think about this personal journal manifesting into a book and other forms of media in the future than to actually sit down, set a timer and actually write every week regardless how I feel. What we want most in life takes a prolonged period of time allocated towards process. We don’t like delaying gratification, we don’t like process. However, here is the reality…….. nothing in life is free and nothing worth while comes without sacrifice . Me deciding to forego writing this journal and my other notes on the process of building a 100-unti restaurant group comes at the cost of possibly my book and building a following and a lifetime of regret , self-resentment and sadness. The sacrifice put forth to pursue my dream comes at a cost of short term discomfort and effort but check this out…… the sacrifice pays dividends the ability to practice discipline for a prolonged period of time yields positive fruit. You WILL see and experience a positive return on investment not only in the long term but also for a long time!!!!! This current stage of permitting , construction meetings , finance meetings , paperwork etc. is not the sexiest part of the business. However by me choosing to lean into this part and choose long term results , I am getting closer to my vision and learning invaluable tools that will help me with the next location. Short term gratifications will always be there . you can always watch tv or buy a jacket or go out with friends , but there is a window of sorts on achieving long term gratification. Choose to care for yourself. Invest in those actions that serve you long term and plan time to enjoy short-time follies . Do not let your short term determine your long term. Nothing good in life comes of this game plan . Discipline is the key !!!!!!
This season has been so hard for me. It was was and is a huge win to be approved for this loan. It’s allowing me to go out there and build out my dream ; my first restaurant. However, I would be lying if I said that even with the funding, the myriad of task that come with starting a project such as this doesn’t feel overwhelming . This is my first concept and the first time that I am hiring a manager .I am the CEO and its awesome but it also means the buck stops here with me . In the midst of the endless thoughts that are running through my head, I had this revelation about myself. My time management sucks because by focus is lacking . Because I struggle with focusing , task drag on beyond allocated time for said project. My sub consciousness will not allow me to really commit to time mangement because my sub consciousness has a history with my inability to focus and operate within parameters. to set boundaries and set task to finish within those boundaries would be setting myself for disappointment as the task would not be complete , time would be wasted and I would have “failed”. This tactic spurred by my lack of focus is the mind protecting me from failure. I am going to reverse this by timing all of my task, and setting time parameters for all of my task . I don’t know every thing I need to know to run this restaurant the best way possible , however I am committed to each day learning and implementing every actionable step I learn from moving forward.
Do it scared.
B spot Express
Today I met with my project manager and a contractor to look over the hood. Honestly even at this point feels surreal to think that I am opening a restaurant. I took some time this week to just sit with my feelings and analyze why I am so doubtful of what is happening & of myself . I realized that it has been so long that I have been saying I am going to open this restaurant without it actually coming into fruition , that I have started to doubt myself or wonder if it was ever going to happen . Working in the trenches for so long , it has been hard to walk in / accept my new role as Owner and Co-founder. Even becoming a father this year has been surreal. Three months in, the responsibility and privilege to be a father is still hard to own and to believe that I am qualified to see through. This helpless little being is looking to me to provide shelter , love , care and protection. Part of the Alce’ name is tied to him. It feels that is the same for this journey of being a restaurateur. Because of my current context and what has been reality for me for over a decade, the idea of me protecting , developing and now bring into fruition this vision of opening my own restaurant and starting a restaurant group just seems like such a vast responsibility that is beyond me. I have been sharing with my wife when she doubts her ability to be a mother that is the very anxiety and worry about her role and ability in motherhood that makes her equipped. She cares so much and sees the vast responsibility of a good mother , that it causes her to doubt if she can reach that level of motherhood. That fear causes her to then strive to be better. I am taking my own advice in this new season. Because I am cognizant to the vast shift in how I move and the weight of leadership and building , this awareness and worry in and of itself makes me worthy . Not because I am perfect ,but rather that I am aware that I am not and will push myself daily to be better and up to the task .
Isadore sharp , the Founder of The Four Seasons , is attributed as the originator of this quote: “Excellence is the ability to endure pain.” When I heard this, initially it didn’t make sense to me . I associate the definitiion of excellence to the highest level of performance or quality. How does pain endurance relate to this ? When I thought over it more, it clicked. The achievement of a great product , a great athlete , business, etc. requires a lot of work and commitment for a long period of time. The work that goes into high level performance is at times painful. In order to reach the end you need keep that pace and commitment . hence the definition of excellence . If phrased as a math problem it would read as such : Excellence = (High level work + time ) complete effort sustained over a prolonged period of time will always create to some extend discomfort. As I navigate this season , I am in , it has to be one of the most uncomfortable times in my life . Everything seems so clear and so uncertain at the same time . This juxtaposing of state of mind and circumstance is exhilarating and depressing . With a wife and baby , so much doubt and fear tries to creep in . Daily is the battle for sanity and peace . I want to be great . I want to leave behind a legacy and if the path to this outcome is achieved through the pursuit of excellence , then this path I will continue . Stay hungry .
Chips on shoulders
I am obsessed with podcast. Specifically sports , worlds new events , finance and businss/ entrepreneurs. I was listening to a podcast called “Founders” and it is a fantastic podcast about founders and the beginning of their companies. The last episode I was listening to was about James Dyson , the founder of Dyson vacuum cleaners. Within this episode. The host dropped this quote from where I cannot remember where he got it. The goes as follows : “Chips on shoulders , turn to chips in the pocket”. Recently I have been feeling vindictive . As inch closer to the opening of my first restaurant , the primary thought that has taken real estate in my mind and thoughts is the rejection. There have been so many rejections that have been in my path since I have started to raise funds to open this restaurant. Some have been straight out “nos” , which I actually appreciate; This is a clear redirect to another door that will have what I need. Others have jerked me around with a bunch of bs meetings and pleasantries all to end up in a disappearance . These are the most annoying . Honestly it just pisses me off. However, right now , all of these instances my mind has metabolized and turned into fuel. Everything. Every employee who I hired and walked out the back door, ( this was actually a thing during covid, I found out it was a way to be able to continue to claim unemployment ) the team members who just quit and never showed up, the team members who stole money form me . All of the crap I have endured recently I have internalized and used as fuel. I’m not angry; It’s just more of a reason to succeed. It makes the story that much sweeter. After almost 10 years in this business, I finally feel like i’m in my groove
This past Friday , I made a trip to Tulsa Oklahoma , for my sister’s graduation. It was a beautiful time; Seeing my sister walk across the stage was such a great moment. The only emotion that really explains the way I feel is joy . My little sister has worked so hard and to see her walk and be accepted into the grad school she wanted to go to is amazing . As I write this , I am sitting in the airport waiting for our flight back . Originally , the plan was to just send a gift and not go . It’s been hard financially as Janea and I plan for the baby and with growing the restaurant . However , my mom told me my sister was hurt initially when she heard she might not see me. This trip reminded me of what I really want in life and what makes me feel alive ……. Adventure . The journey or growing this restaurant concept really is appealing not just for the passion of the concept of itself but rather the energy of movement . The prospect of traveling and seeing new parts of the country is some thing seems amazing . #Stayhngry
This process is coming to a culmination. 15 years ago the process started with a small caribbean restaurant in Redlands , Ca. I don’t think any of us knew that the journey would lead to this moment. Looking at current space we are in (literally and figuratively) and thinking about where we are , it’s definitely just a surreal moment. Times are tough; Creating a concept or bringing any vision to fruition will bring with it trails and road bumps. However , looking at what the future holds and thinking about walking into that new space of life with my family by my side is so exciting and amazing to think about . #hngry.